The frost is holding. The sky is grey. The new year dawns in calm tranquility. Sleep has been limited but I am planning a quiet day. A day in which to the let ripples settle. A day for a little self-nurturing. I will never be the kind of person who can live their life fully and always in the moment, but perhaps I can live this one day that way.
Today I can be content. Today I can be slow. Today I can watch to see what unfolds. There will be time enough for making plans tomorrow.
Today is a day for quiet reflection, not for manic action. Today is a day for noticing how perfect everything already is. It is a day for jasmine incense for positivity and for watching the swirl of smoke rising, surprised by its layers hanging in the light from the windows. Not rising, not falling, but spreading, expanding. It is a day for treasuring presents of wood and food, cotton and stone, time and talking.
It is a day for honouring friendship, a day for receiving abundance and showering love slowly through the ether to fall where it is needed.
A quiet day. A soul day. A rest, recuperate, renewal day.
Frost and grey skies and the silence of the morning at the dawn of the year.
It is a day for dreams not plans, possibilities not projects, tenderness not passion. It is a self-care day, a grounding not a groundhog day.
Today is a day that can be left to its own devices; it needs no help from me: it is a day to realise that the freedom to be quietly at home is a great blessing.